PHP 7.4 was released today

I was waiting for PHP 7.4 to be released. The most exciting feature for me is Typed Properties. Being released today, I was eager to compile it just to see that feature in action (and I’m also curious about Opcache Preloading).

I compiled it inside a Docker container and wrote a small test file.


FROM ubuntu:18.04


RUN apt update
RUN apt install -y wget gcc make automake pkgconf libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev

RUN wget$VERSION.tar.gz
RUN tar xzfv php-$VERSION.tar.gz


RUN ./configure \
    --with-pdo-mysql \

RUN make -j $(nproc)
#RUN make test # probably fails for now

RUN make install
RUN php -v

Compile PHP:

docker build . -t php740build

Save this as test.php:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

class Calc
     * @var float[]
    private array $nums;

     * Calc constructor.
     * @param float $n
     * @param float[] $nums
    public function __construct(float $n, float ...$nums)
        $this->nums = [$n, ...$nums];

     * @return float
    public function sum(): float
        return array_sum($this->nums);

$calc = new Calc(1, 2, 3);

echo $calc->sum();
echo "\n";

Run the test:

docker run --rm -v $PWD/test.php:/test.php -ti php740build php /test.php

It’s probably better to wait a while for some patches after being tested in the wild wild web.

Go Future with Reflection

While exercising Go with various Future implementations, at one moment reflection hit me. Using reflection to inspect types beats the point of strong types, but it never hurts to play.

I want to use any function within a Future and then call it asynchronous and wait for results. I could have a function to create the Future which holds the user function. Not having generics yet, any function could be passed by interface{}, then called by reflection.

So the user function is passed to a function which returns another function that can be called with the user function arguments. The user function will be executed on a new routine.

// Callable is the function to call in order to start running the passed function.
type Callable func(args ...interface{}) *Future

// New returns a Callable.
func New(function interface{}) Callable {

For a sum function, the usage is:

sum := func(a, b int) (int, error) {
   return a + b, nil
future := futurereflect.New(sum)(1, 2)

result, err := future.Result()

The Future should allow waiting for the user function to be executed and get its result.

type Future struct {
   functionType  reflect.Type
   functionValue reflect.Value
   args          []interface{}
   wait          chan struct{}
   result        interface{}
   err           error

// Wait blocks until function is done.
func (f *Future) Wait() {

// Result retrieves result and error. It blocks if function is not done.
func (f *Future) Result() (interface{}, error) {
   return f.result, f.err

The rest is just implementation, but it feels like pure madness. I did it for fun, to experiment, there are cases missing. And a language should not be pushed where it doesn’t belong. Use each language in its style.

Run the code on Go Playground.

Continue reading Go Future with Reflection

CGO examples

Nothing new or special regarding Golang CGO. I have been exploring it lately and it took me some time to understand its deep aspects, mostly on passing Go callbacks to C. And I wanted to keep close some full examples.

I created a small repository on GitHub which shows interactions of Go code with a C library (included) by passing and/or receiving numbers, strings, byte arrays, structs, enums, and calling Go functions from the C library.

Sources of inspiration and learning:

See the GitHub repository with the CGO examples and compile the code yourself on your machine or inside the Docker environment you’ll find there.