C++ learning resources from the past months

A selection of articles I’ve read and videos I’ve watched in the past months

I’m constantly learning and relearning new and old topics and I enjoy saving some resources so I can see them again later. I’m the understand-by-use type, but I can’t use everything I learn in my projects. And I want to keep some things in the back of my mind for when the moment comes, just to remember the keywords that I need.

Understanding is the key to knowledge. If I don’t understand something, I will at most get things to work, but there are many cases when it’s not enough for things to just work. And I don’t understand a lot of subjects. So I come to them again and again, maybe months or years after I have studied or worked with them, including the most basic ones.


    • An easy start with how templates generate code. You’ll see how templates can save you time writing code, but also how a lot of code can be used in your applications without you really being aware.
    • Diving into the details of how C++ resolves a function call. Names, templates, overloads.
    • C++11 introduced a lot of new language and standard library features. The very long story is in the bible, but you can read a short practical guide of what the language came up with 10 years ago.
    • And if you want even a shorter and more concise list of features including C++11, C++14, C++17, C++20, here you have a cheatsheet of modern C++ language and library features.
    • Getting from short sources to a little longer ones, you can read about all C++ core language features.
    • I really enjoy reading about good design. Although this topic has its subjective and context-dependent corners, there are some known API design mistakes.
    • I’ve read multiple times about the Rule of Five and it’s a subject I’m sure I will come back to again.

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