Trim string starting suffix

Today I wanted to remove, from a string, the substring starting with a specified string.

For a line of code with a comment started with #, I wanted to remove everything starting at #, so the line “line with #comm#ent” should become “line with “.

The test for this is:

func TestRemoveFromStringAfter(t *testing.T) {
   tests := []struct {
      expected string
         input:    "line with #comm#ent",
         after:    "#",
         expected: "line with ",
         input:    "line to clean",
         after:    "abc",
         expected: "line to clean",
         input:    "line to clean",
         after:    "l",
         expected: "",
         input:    "",
         after:    "",
         expected: "",
         input:    " ",
         after:    "",
         expected: " ",

   for i, test := range tests {
      result := RemoveFromStringAfter(test.input, test.after)
      if result != test.expected {
         t.Fatalf("Failed at test: %d", i)

I tried to use TrimSuffix and TrimFunc from the strings package, but they weren’t getting me where I wanted. Then, all of a sudden, it stroke me: a string can be treated as a slice and a subslice is what I need. A subslice which ends right before the position of the suffix I give.

So I take the position of the suffix and extract a substring of the input string:

func RemoveFromStringAfter(input, after string) string {
   if after == "" {
      return input

   if index := strings.Index(input, after); index > -1 {
      input = input[:index]

   return input

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