Automated Jenkins CI setup for Go projects

I was helping a friend on a project with some tasks amongst which code quality. I’ve set up some tools (gometalinter first, then golangci-lint) and integrated them with Travis CI.

Then GitHub decided to give free private repositories and my friend made the project private. Travis and other CI systems require paid plans for private repositories so I decided to set up a Jenkins environment. I’ve used Jenkins before, but never configured it myself. I thought it’s going to be a quick click-click install process, but I’ve found myself in front of various plugins, configurations, credentials and all sort of requirements.

One of the first things that come in my mind when I have to do something is if I’ll have to do it again later and if I should automate the process. And that’s how a pet project was born. My purpose was to write a configuration file, install the environment, then configure jobs for the repositories I need.

I’ve created two job templates, one for triggering a build on branch push, one for pull requests (required webhooks are created automatically). Based on the templates, I just wanted to create a new job, insert the GitHub repository url and start using the job.

The job templates are aiming at Go projects to run tests and code quality tools on (all required tools are installed automatically). Other configured actions are automatic backups and cleanups. And you’ll also find some setup scripts for basic server security and requirements.

There are things which could be improved, but now I have a click-click CI system setup called Go Jenkins CI.



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