A user story is not done after the code has been written. Also, the developer’s part is not done after the code has been written. I strongly believe in dev testing: after implementing, the developer will once again read each line of the requirements (they had already done this at least once before implementing, right?!?!) and manually test the feature (even if they’ve written automated tests). At least a sanity test to make sure the QA colleagues will not get back to them after a few minutes of testing or every few minutes with another issue.
The interaction with the QA colleagues should be more in breaks. I want to see those people get bored like hell because they just need to check the implementation against the requirements and get back to chatting because everything is OK. If they get back with special situations, corner cases, weird exceptions, everyone’s doing a great job.
We’re human, we forget things while developing, it’s OK. But if the number of things is too big to fit in memory and it increases with every feature, maybe we should read the requirements a few more times and test each one of them. And we should ask questions. The code is done after we understand, implement, test.
And always ask ourselves what happens to the other parts of the app if we do just a small change in the old code. Then test. Yes, we, the developers, must test!