Automated Jenkins CI setup for Go projects

I was helping a friend on a project with some tasks amongst which code quality. I’ve set up some tools (gometalinter first, then golangci-lint) and integrated them with Travis CI.

Then GitHub decided to give free private repositories and my friend made the project private. Travis and other CI systems require paid plans for private repositories so I decided to set up a Jenkins environment. I’ve used Jenkins before, but never configured it myself. I thought it’s going to be a quick click-click install process, but I’ve found myself in front of various plugins, configurations, credentials and all sort of requirements.

One of the first things that come in my mind when I have to do something is if I’ll have to do it again later and if I should automate the process. And that’s how a pet project was born. My purpose was to write a configuration file, install the environment, then configure jobs for the repositories I need.

I’ve created two job templates, one for triggering a build on branch push, one for pull requests (required webhooks are created automatically). Based on the templates, I just wanted to create a new job, insert the GitHub repository url and start using the job.

The job templates are aiming at Go projects to run tests and code quality tools on (all required tools are installed automatically). Other configured actions are automatic backups and cleanups. And you’ll also find some setup scripts for basic server security and requirements.

There are things which could be improved, but now I have a click-click CI system setup called Go Jenkins CI.



Protect Docker secrets files

I have a Docker container managed with Docker compose, which defines the unless-stopped restart policy. But my container never starts after I reboot the machine. But it does restart if I just restart the Docker service. I have a similar setup on another machine which I have no issues with.

I kept on searching the issue until it hit me all of a sudden. I’m using secrets read from files. The files are in the /tmp  directory which gets cleared, thus the container fails to start.

When I defined the secrets files, I just threw them away from the source code repository, without thinking too much where. I wasn’t even sure if I was going to use them for a long time.

Dev testing

A user story is not done after the code has been written. Also, the developer’s part is not done after the code has been written. I strongly believe in dev testing: after implementing, the developer will once again read each line of the requirements (they had already done this at least once before implementing, right?!?!) and manually test the feature (even if they’ve written automated tests). At least a sanity test to make sure the QA colleagues will not get back to them after a few minutes of testing or every few minutes with another issue.

The interaction with the QA colleagues should be more in breaks. I want to see those people get bored like hell because they just need to check the implementation against the requirements and get back to chatting because everything is OK. If they get back with special situations, corner cases, weird exceptions, everyone’s doing a great job.

We’re human, we forget things while developing, it’s OK. But if the number of things is too big to fit in memory and it increases with every feature, maybe we should read the requirements a few more times and test each one of them. And we should ask questions. The code is done after we understand, implement, test.

And always ask ourselves what happens to the other parts of the app if we do just a small change in the old code. Then test. Yes, we, the developers, must test!

The mid-language crisis

A while after I wrote the Apixu libraries for Go and PHP, they asked me if I could help them with some issue a client had when trying to install the Python library. I quickly tested and sent them steps on how to install all requirements. And I noticed the library could use some additions.

My experience with Python was of a few lines and I felt like it would be a good context to write a few more, to understand the language a little better, to learn about its requirements, ways to set up a library and write some tests to validate JSON schemas. A clean language with a simple package manager and clear error handling. Basic integrations with Flask and Django were pretty smooth.

One thing I like about Apixu is they have multiple libraries and after freshening the Python one I was inspired to do more. And there was where to choose from.

JavaScript is an old friend but we met only in the browser some years ago. It was time to face its server side of the moon and add some touches to the NodeJS library. I’m not a huge fan of callbacks, but Promises are indeed a nice way to handle responses. Express was easy to start with, I like its micro framework feeling. The package manager, npm, doesn’t seem too far from PHP’s composer, we got along well. Continue reading The mid-language crisis

Encrypt column in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL has a nice encryption (and hashing) module called pgcrypto which is easy to use. Using a provided key, you can quickly encrypt a column which contains sensitive information.

While the setup is fast and the usage is simple, there could be some disadvantages in some contexts:

  • be careful how you send the encryption key to the database server (if public, use SSL for transport, else keep it in a private network at least)
  • data is encrypted/decrypted in the database, so the transport is in plain (watch out for memory dump attacks)
  • some queries are very slow, as the decrypt operation is performed on the entire table if you want to sort or filter by encrypted columns

Continue reading Encrypt column in PostgreSQL


Today I’ve found out a flavor of PostgreSQL when checking if a composite type column is not null. There are different ways of checking for not null columns:


For primitive values any of the above works, while for the composite types there is a particularity.

Given a table of users with a deleted column of a composite type action, and some users marked as deleted, I need all users that are deleted. Continue reading PostgreSQL NOTNULL vs IS NOT NULL vs NOT ISNULL

Bitbucket to GitHub import tool

GitHub now offers free private repositories. For those wanting to transfer their private repositories from Bitbucket to GitHub, I’ve written a very basic tool to help you with this.

I’ve tested it only with some git repositories, most probably there are cases I didn’t reach, so adjustments could be needed.

Check it on Bit… GitHub.

You can also import repositories manually if you wish.

Quickly upgrade Go to latest stable version

#!/usr/bin/env bash


if [[ `whoami` != "root" ]]; then
    echo run as root
    exit 1

if [[ `which jq` == "" ]]; then
    apt update && apt install -y jq

if [[ `which curl` == "" ]]; then
    apt update && apt install -y curl


stable=`echo $check | jq -r '.[0].stable'`
if [[ "$stable" != "true" ]]; then
    exit 0

newversion=`echo $check | jq -r '.[0].version'`
currentversion=`$installpath/go/bin/go version 2> /dev/null`

if [[ "$currentversion" == *"$newversion"* ]]; then
    exit 0

cd /tmp
`curl$file > $file`
`rm -rf $installpath/go/`
`tar -C $installpath -xzf $file`
`rm $file`

Trim string starting suffix

Today I wanted to remove, from a string, the substring starting with a specified string.

For a line of code with a comment started with #, I wanted to remove everything starting at #, so the line “line with #comm#ent” should become “line with “.

The test for this is:

func TestRemoveFromStringAfter(t *testing.T) {
   tests := []struct {
      expected string
         input:    "line with #comm#ent",
         after:    "#",
         expected: "line with ",
         input:    "line to clean",
         after:    "abc",
         expected: "line to clean",
         input:    "line to clean",
         after:    "l",
         expected: "",
         input:    "",
         after:    "",
         expected: "",
         input:    " ",
         after:    "",
         expected: " ",

   for i, test := range tests {
      result := RemoveFromStringAfter(test.input, test.after)
      if result != test.expected {
         t.Fatalf("Failed at test: %d", i)

I tried to use TrimSuffix and TrimFunc from the strings package, but they weren’t getting me where I wanted. Then, all of a sudden, it stroke me: a string can be treated as a slice and a subslice is what I need. A subslice which ends right before the position of the suffix I give.

So I take the position of the suffix and extract a substring of the input string:

func RemoveFromStringAfter(input, after string) string {
   if after == "" {
      return input

   if index := strings.Index(input, after); index > -1 {
      input = input[:index]

   return input

Test multiple PHP exceptions

There are cases when you have a base exception class which is extended by other exceptions. For a package called User, you could have a UserException which is inherited by UserNotFoundException, UserPasswordException and so on.

The base exception of your package allows you to catch any thrown exception from inside the package.

So there’s a base exception, a specific one and the service using them:

class BaseException extends Exception

class NoItemsException extends BaseException

class Service
     * @param array $items
     * @throws NoItemsException
    public function save(array $items)
        if (count($items) === 0) {
            throw new NoItemsException('Nothing to save');

And you want to catch all package exceptions:

$service = new Service();
try {
} catch (BaseException $e) {

And a test for the case:

class ServiceTest extends TestCase
     * @expectedException NoItemsException
    public function testSaveWithNoItems()
        $service = new Service();

How do you make sure NoItemsException extends BaseException?
With the above test, if you change NoItemsException to extend Exception instead of BaseException, the test will still pass, but the behaviour won’t be the expected one, because you won’t be catching the exception anymore:

Fatal error: Uncaught NoItemsException: Nothing to save... in /src/Service.php on line 20

NoItemsException: Nothing to save... in /src/Service.php on line 20

Your test must explicitly test both exceptions:

class ServiceTest extends TestCase
    public function testSaveWithNoItems()
        $service = new Service();

        try {
            $this->fail('No exception thrown');
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf(BaseException::class, $e);
            $this->assertInstanceOf(NoItemsException::class, $e);