PHP 7.4 was released today

I was waiting for PHP 7.4 to be released. The most exciting feature for me is Typed Properties. Being released today, I was eager to compile it just to see that feature in action (and I’m also curious about Opcache Preloading).

I compiled it inside a Docker container and wrote a small test file.


FROM ubuntu:18.04


RUN apt update
RUN apt install -y wget gcc make automake pkgconf libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev

RUN wget$VERSION.tar.gz
RUN tar xzfv php-$VERSION.tar.gz


RUN ./configure \
    --with-pdo-mysql \

RUN make -j $(nproc)
#RUN make test # probably fails for now

RUN make install
RUN php -v

Compile PHP:

docker build . -t php740build

Save this as test.php:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

class Calc
     * @var float[]
    private array $nums;

     * Calc constructor.
     * @param float $n
     * @param float[] $nums
    public function __construct(float $n, float ...$nums)
        $this->nums = [$n, ...$nums];

     * @return float
    public function sum(): float
        return array_sum($this->nums);

$calc = new Calc(1, 2, 3);

echo $calc->sum();
echo "\n";

Run the test:

docker run --rm -v $PWD/test.php:/test.php -ti php740build php /test.php

It’s probably better to wait a while for some patches after being tested in the wild wild web.

Updates on PHP performance increase

While waiting for PHP 7.4 production release and its strong type new feature, I was wondering how the performance increased. A while ago I wrote a small stress test which is not the most reliable in all cases, it just points out some major changes that started occurring in PHP 7.

Since that test, PHP 7.3 was released and now there is a release candidate for 7.4. While the memory usage is the same for my test case since 7.0, the execution time looks better with every new version.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

test=$(cat << 'eot'
$time = microtime(true);

$array = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
    if (!array_key_exists($i, $array)) {
        $array[$i] = [];

    for ($j = 0; $j < 1000; $j++) {
        if (!array_key_exists($j, $array[$i])) {
            $array[$i][$j] = true;

echo sprintf(
    "Execution time: %f seconds\nMemory usage: %f MB\n\n",
    microtime(true) - $time,
    memory_get_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024

versions=( 5.6 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4-rc )

for v in "${versions[@]}"
    cmd="docker run --rm -ti php:${v}-cli-alpine php -d memory_limit=2048M -r '$test'"
    sh -c "echo ${v} && ${cmd}"

Results (ignore the absolute values, just watch the differences):

Execution time: 4.573347 seconds
Memory usage: 1379.250000 MB

Execution time: 1.464059 seconds
Memory usage: 360.000000 MB

Execution time: 1.315205 seconds
Memory usage: 360.000000 MB

Execution time: 0.653521 seconds
Memory usage: 360.000000 MB

Execution time: 0.614016 seconds
Memory usage: 360.000000 MB

Execution time: 0.528052 seconds
Memory usage: 360.000000 MB

Test multiple PHP exceptions

There are cases when you have a base exception class which is extended by other exceptions. For a package called User, you could have a UserException which is inherited by UserNotFoundException, UserPasswordException and so on.

The base exception of your package allows you to catch any thrown exception from inside the package.

So there’s a base exception, a specific one and the service using them:

class BaseException extends Exception

class NoItemsException extends BaseException

class Service
     * @param array $items
     * @throws NoItemsException
    public function save(array $items)
        if (count($items) === 0) {
            throw new NoItemsException('Nothing to save');

And you want to catch all package exceptions:

$service = new Service();
try {
} catch (BaseException $e) {

And a test for the case:

class ServiceTest extends TestCase
     * @expectedException NoItemsException
    public function testSaveWithNoItems()
        $service = new Service();

How do you make sure NoItemsException extends BaseException?
With the above test, if you change NoItemsException to extend Exception instead of BaseException, the test will still pass, but the behaviour won’t be the expected one, because you won’t be catching the exception anymore:

Fatal error: Uncaught NoItemsException: Nothing to save... in /src/Service.php on line 20

NoItemsException: Nothing to save... in /src/Service.php on line 20

Your test must explicitly test both exceptions:

class ServiceTest extends TestCase
    public function testSaveWithNoItems()
        $service = new Service();

        try {
            $this->fail('No exception thrown');
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf(BaseException::class, $e);
            $this->assertInstanceOf(NoItemsException::class, $e);

PHP unit testing with real coverage

If you really need to cover all your code by tests, watch out for your short if statements.

Given the following class:


class Person
     * @var string
    private $gender;

     * @param string $gender
    public function setGender(string $gender)
        $this->gender = $gender;

     * @return string
    public function getTitle() : string
        return $this->gender === 'f' ? 'Mrs.' : 'Mr.';

And a PHP Unit test:


use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class PersonTest extends TestCase
     * @dataProvider gendersAndTitle
     * @param $gender
     * @param $expectedTitle
    public function testTitle($gender, $expectedTitle)
        $person = new Person();

        $title = $person->getTitle();
        $this->assertEquals($expectedTitle, $title);

    public function gendersAndTitle() : array
        return [
            ['f', 'Mrs.'],

If you run the test with coverage, you get a 100% coverage. But the data provider has only data for the “f/Mrs.” case, so the else branch of the short if is not actually tested, though the tested code reached the line while running the test.

Update the getTitle method from Person class using the normal if statement:

public function getTitle() : string
    if ($this->gender === 'f') {
        return 'Mrs.';

    return 'Mr.';

Execute the test again and you get 80% coverage.

Here’s a Dockerfile to quickly test it yourself:

FROM php:7.2-cli-alpine3.8

RUN apk add --update --no-cache make alpine-sdk autoconf && \
    pecl install xdebug && \
    docker-php-ext-enable xdebug && \
    apk del alpine-sdk autoconf && \
    wget -O phpunit && chmod +x phpunit


Save the Person class to Person.php file and the test to PersonTest.php.

docker build -t phpunit-coverage .
docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD:/src phpunit-coverage sh

./phpunit --bootstrap Person.php --coverage-html coverage --whitelist Person.php .

See the coverage directory (index.html) created after running the test.

Clean up when you’re done:

docker rmi phpunit-coverage

PHP performance increase from 5.6 to 7.2

I remember when PHP 7 was released. The first thing I did was a simple performance test. I don’t remember the script exactly, but it was similar to this:


$time = microtime(true);

$array = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
    if (!array_key_exists($i, $array)) {
        $array[$i] = [];
    for ($j = 0; $j < 1000; $j++) {
        if (!array_key_exists($j, $array[$i])) {
            $array[$i][$j] = true;

echo sprintf(
    "Execution time: %f seconds\nMemory usage: %f MB\n\n",
    microtime(true) - $time,
    memory_get_usage(true) / 1024 / 1024

The results made me really happy. Continue reading PHP performance increase from 5.6 to 7.2

Playing with PHP extensions: building a map

I’ve ran into PHP-CPP, a C++ library which helps you build your own PHP extensions in an easier way than writing them from scratch. And I decided to play a little bit. It has good documentation and examples.

Installing is not always out of the box depending on the environment. I like to keep things clean on my working machines so I wanted to have everything in a Docker container, but I quickly ran into an issue installing the library. Fortunately, I’ve found a solution pretty fast.

The first idea that came into my mind was a simple map. Nothing special, I’m not bringing any improvements, I just wanted to convert the following into an extension. Continue reading Playing with PHP extensions: building a map

Concurrency in PHP with Swoole

Swoole is a CLI server written in C as a PHP extension. It handles HTTP, TCP and socket servers, offering some really interesting features. The ones I’ve tested and I’m pretty excited about are related to concurrency.

The authors have implemented a concurrency model similar to Go‘s, using coroutines and channels for inter-process communication. It also has a memory map, atomic objects, locks, buffers, timers and others.

I’ve tested their 2.2 version found in PECL, but very recently they’ve release the 4.0.0 version. My enthusiasm suffered a little bit when they’ve introduced a pretty nasty bug with 4.0.0, but they were fast about fixing it, although a new version is not released at the time of writing (but you can compile from master branch).
It’s funny that one day everything was working as expected, and the other day I spent some time until I’ve figured they had just released a new version, and that was causing my issue. I had installed the extension without specifying the version, so a new install got me the latest one.

Below is a very small example of concurrency using routines and a channel. Continue reading Concurrency in PHP with Swoole

PHP backward compatibility

Could PHP 7 inherit Go’s philosophy of not introducing breaking changes in future versions? I’ve asked this myself today.

PHP is on a really nice path since version 7, with its courageous changes, and I believe more is yet to come. Because things must evolve, there were some incompatible changes from 5 to 7, and that’s great. And now that it’s more mature, I would like to see more stability and more of those hardcore changes that will keep the language in its good position.

Regarding this, something that I really wish for PHP 7 is to approach Go’s idea of not introducing incompatibilities with future versions. The programs should run flawless when upgrading PHP. It would be a great encouragement for everyone to safely upgrade as soon as a new version is released.

From PHP to Go

Besides being very powerful, Go is a clean language. It was easy to get started with it, despite it has some obvious major differences if coming from a language like PHP. I knew some of them, cause they’re specific to any compiled language, while in an interpreted one you have to work in order to get their benefits.

I got comfortable with them and even wished PHP had them. I’m not comparing the two languages by considering one to be better or worse, I’m only telling some differences that caught my eye, even if they are normal to be.

It got me happy about writing code in a very different way, putting aside some things that are normal in other contexts and I was used to. Continue reading From PHP to Go

Why I chose to build a framework at a 3-hour interview

I encourage the use of known frameworks over custom ones, but I decided not to use one when, at an interview, I had 3 hours to prove the technical aspects I’ve been talking about at the first encounter with the employer.

The task was simple: build a REST web service (using PHP and MySQL) and make some operations on a resource, and a small JavaScript client to interact with the service.

I felt that using a known framework for a basic task like this I couldn’t show too many principles I use when developing. It wasn’t the moment to build a production ready app, it was just to show I can DO what I KNOW.

So my 3-hour journey building a framework from scratch started. It had basic components like: Continue reading Why I chose to build a framework at a 3-hour interview